Moving on mind-body therapy ~ What is it and how can it help ~ Meet your therapist ~ Contact details ~ Connect 

Walk and Talk Counselling in Cheltenham and deeper Trauma therapy in Cheltenham, Stress management and Relaxation sessions also available in my private therapy room in Cheltenham or Online.

Moving on mind-body therapy is a safe, non-judgmental and confidential space that welcomes anyone and everyone.

Contact for more info and bookings of

Outdoor Walk and Talk sessions which are £55 an hour, weekly, fortnightly or monthly. Online Counselling is also an option.

Deeper Trauma healing, Stress management and Relaxation sessions are also available in my private therapy room in Cheltenham or Online. 

contact for an Initial consultation 

Have you ever stopped to ask yourself questions like, who am I and what is the purpose of my life? Is this the person I was planning to become? Am I happy with my life or am I stuck? Am I still waiting for what I really want to happen? 

Sometimes in life you may lose your way and become directionless. Or heavy emotions might weigh you down, as you know you have got stuff you need to deal with but you keep putting it off. 

Maybe you can't cope anymore with the constant chaos and disappointment and really need someone to talk to. 

You may have inner wounds or trauma that need to be healed. Or perhaps you are just fed up with not having enough energy or time for yourself.

"Things are easier to deal with when you're walking and talking outside, there's less intensity than face to face therapy" Simon, Charlton Kings.

Moving on mind-body therapy may well be able to help you, 

by providing regular, confidential, dynamic support through walk and talk counselling and one off or regular deeper healing sessions in my private therapy room in Cheltenham.

Deeper Healing Sessions aim to help release past pain in one off or regular visits, including and combining:

Somatic Trauma mind-body therapy 

Stress Management and Relaxation 

Mindfulness and Meditation 

Art and Music therapy

"If you want to try something other than traditional therapy this is good because you get fit while you sort out your problems" Sarah, Fairview.


and how can it help you?

Our mind and body systems are connected. Not only do they support each other and affect how well we live, but they can also undermine each other.

You have no doubt experienced the link between your mind and body's health from when you have had a bad night's sleep and then you can't concentrate properly the next day. 

Severe stress and anxiety, which often includes worrying thoughts repeating over and over in our mind, can be debilitating. Our heart races and our breath quickens, often leaving us too exhausted to move or even get out of bed. 

Moving on mind-body therapy is all about encouraging the mind-body systems to harmonise together to improve our overall well-being. 

 One of the most effective ways of combining and improving mental and physical health is by talking with a therapist whilst walking out in the fresh air and sunlight. 

 Through walk and talk therapy you can combat stress, reduce anxiety and tackle depression. As well as explore solutions to problems and get more in touch with your true inner self. In deeper healing sessions we can target trapped pain from past traumatic experiences, manage stress and promote relaxation.

With a calmer clearer mind you can develop more self awareness and with a fitter healthier body you can create more energy, improve your health and begin to look and feel better. 

     360 degree holistic programme

As well as traditional talking therapy Moving on mind-body therapy also offers a personal holistic programme for developing your optimum health and well-being. The aim is to help you improve and incorporate as many of these human needs as possible into your daily life. We will discuss each section more deeply during your personal inventory.

  Meet your therapist

Bachelor of Science in Psychology: Upper Second-class Honours (2.1)

Somatic Trauma Healing (CPD)

Diploma in Counselling (DIST)

Certificate in Exercise and Mental health 

National Diploma in Nursery Nursing and Child Development (DIST)

BTEC Performing Arts - Dance Drama Music (DIST)

Bex is an experienced therapist who is a qualified Psychologist and Counsellor. Bex is also a fully insured senior member registered with the  ACCPH - an Independent professional body and register for counsellors, coaches, psychotherapists and hypnotherapists

With over 25 years of working with children, young people and families Bex has gained much experience and understanding of human behaviour, social relationships, child development and attachment, and a variety of mental and physical health issues. 

This has gifted her with huge amounts of empathy and compassion as well as a positive, enthusiastic, inspirational vibe.

 As an artist, writer and musician from a Performing Arts background, she is trained in Alexander technique for posture as well as general fitness, speech and drama, music and movement, Yoga, Meditation and Arts for creative expression. 

Her effusive abundant creativity brings a highly effective solution focussed, deep thinking ethos to her work.

"Everyone should get some help from Bex not only is she super qualified she is really easy to talk to"  Verity,  Prestbury

 Bex's Counselling expertise covers areas such as:

     Anxiety and Depression 

Trauma healing, PTSD, Inner child work

Relationships and Sexuality

Family and Children Challenges

Addiction and financial problems

Bereavement and Grief 

Stress management and Relaxation

Personal transformation 

Moving on mind-body therapy will provide you with regular walk and talk therapy and 1:1 online counselling or one off deeper healing sessions. 

These sessions will enable you to: 

talk through your problems and explore solutions 

access deep inner feelings to heal trauma and childhood wounds 

become unstuck by retraining negative repetitive thought processes 

become more self-aware and confident by reconnecting with your own needs and desires 

reduce stress and anxiety by developing a calm quiet mind and a strong supple body 

gain support through life's challenges, get over suffering and plan for the future. 

Move on, by learning to enjoy the present moment in the here and now.

"I've had a few walk and talks with Bex now and she always helps me clear my mind and feel better" Alex, Cheltenham

Weather permitting - most days in Cheltenham are suitable for walk and talk therapy, with the right clothes and shoes. If it is torrential rain or slippery ice we will rearrange the session for another day or indoor online therapy.

"Ive had the pleasure of meeting Bex on more than one occasion. She is always very friendly and great to talk to." Jack, Charlton Kings

Moving on mind-body therapy is suitable for all levels of health, anyone and everyone is welcome to access this confidential, safe, ethical, non-judgmental service. 

Feel free to contact to arrange your initial consultation and asks any questions. 

Moving on mind-body is committed to delivering ethical, non judgmental, client directed Person-centered therapy that involves active listening and unconditional regard for the client's best interests. Fees average around £55 for an hours session. 

For you free initial consultation email